Market forces not allowed to prevail

2011-09-17 08:38

The week of September 16th was a quadruple witching, with stock futures, stock options, stock futures and stock index options all expiring. It was also the week when the ECB and the FED announced they would flood the European banks with dollars. The fact is that after starting the week with mixed emotions, the DAX Index which hit a two year low on Monday closed the week up more than 7%. The euro was below 1.36 on Monday ends the week at 1.38 and gold after falling below 1.800 usd ended the week above.Mr. Pawel Olchawa almost stopped trading on his leading account but is slowly growing his other accounts and as now 5 accounts among the top 10.This continues to be a very difficult year for investors reflected on the WTI participants.Next week we can expect more volatility. Moody's downgraded two of the big French banks and even if the announcement had no effect on the markets it could still have, now that quadruple witching is gone and European Finance ministers in Poland have not reached any major decisions.Troubles in Europe seem to have just began and central bankers are committed to supplying liquidity in the market. Investors watch out.





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