The western world under a wave of global unrest

2011-10-17 13:59

With the movement known as the ‘’indignados’’ and now the ‘’Occupy Wall Street’’ the western world is now under a wave of global unrest. It’s true that those protesters seem clueless in their anger but nevertheless it is another fact participants of World Top Investor will have to face.

They know too well the other facts: Ongoing Eurozone debt crisis, accelerating talks to recapitalize European banks, constant downgrades by the rating agencies, and the use or not of leverage in the EFSF.  In the markets the VIX is dropping, which means traders are no longer willing to pay a large premium to insure their positions. It also means we can expect less dramatic swings from the market, even if it is difficult to rely on statistics alone to make trading decisions.Last week was a good week for the markets with the Dow adding 500 points over 5 sessions.  Dividend yields of the SP500 is now higher than the 10 year US Treasury bond, which apparently never happened before.Gold is rebounding and Hong Kong the world’s third largest gold center launched gold contracts trading in Yuan. Meanwhile oil has been in a wide sideways range since the August decline. 

The first four accounts in the world rankings of WTI are not trading and just benefitting from the gains accumulated since April. John Rodrigues and Andrzej Czechowski are the only participants at the top 10 steady increasing gains, with John Rodrigues using ETfs and Andrzej forex.





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