It's a short week in the US due to Thanksgiving

2011-11-24 16:49

It's a short week in the US due to Thanksgiving holiday and it´s a painful week in Europe due to the Sovereign crisis. World Top Investors participants live and die by their own decisions and decisions are very difficult in such terrifying economic conditions.A German bond auction failed this week with the German government only attracting bids for only over half the offer. Germany is not seen any more as a refuge of stability in Europe. Ratings agencies are standing by to downgrade European debt. Pawel Olchawa said that ''he expects a world economic recession caused by the international crisis''. He also added that he is convinced markets are now manipulated with investors being influenced, by information.'' ''Who can you trust'' he asked, and continue, ''I can no longer trust the press, the government, the accounting rules, the rule of law, I even doubt my own judgment''. Mr Olchawa only makes a quick one round trade a month for quite a few months to keep his first and second place at the world rankings.This week saw John Rodrigues leader of the Portuguese League go to the 5th place in the World rankings  and the Japanese Toru Ochi enter the top 10.The European debt debacle promises to keep making life difficult for investors. 





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