Markets more and more vulnerable to politicians

2011-10-25 11:53

Politicians in Europe keep saying that a plan to fix de euro-zone is taking shape. How is this affecting participants of the WTI? No matter how politicians ''package'' the plan traders and investors know the risks won´t go away.
Markets are more and more vulnerable to politicians and are reacting with up and downs on talks, rescue programs, social crisis. This week the markets continued to rise with the excuse that the outline of the deal was established. Investors and traders remaining in the markets are having a battle of perceptions, so far optimism is winning, the SP is at 1250 for the first time since the August plunge.
At the top of the World rankings no change. Pawel Olchawa continues to trade his other accounts but not the first and second where he accumulated 444% and 441% in the first 5 months of the competition.





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