Helder Jorge Silva up 383% in 11 weeks

2011-06-14 09:53

During the last 6 weeks the Dow has dropped nearly 7% while gold was down 3% oil 13% and silver 25%. This proves that there have been very few places to hide. Nevertheless Helder Jorge Silva increased his gains this past week from 246% to 383% trading these same markets and natural gaz. It is not unusual to see stocks and commodities falling at the same time but it is never a good sign. Oil had never fallen by 13 usd in a single day like it did on May 5th. To move by 10% or more usually we should have a dramatic event, but that is not anymore the case. More and more automated orders means less and less private participants in the market, and therefore more and more volatility.
Participants in the World Top Investor should concentrate more and more in handled the unpredictable along with the time spend analysing the next swing.





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