Another week of gains for Helder Silva

2011-06-22 15:19

According to Reuters the head of PIMCO expects that Greece and other EU nations like Portugal will default. The Greek government passed a no confidence vote and will try to negotiate a new deal with the eurozone and the IMF. US regulators are concerned about US money market funds which have investments in EU debt. The Wall Street Journal confirms that the effects of QE2 were limited.Helder Silva went into another week of gains, and psychology or proper thinking is going to be is main contributor for success from now on since he accumulated gains of 549% in just 12 weeks. Trading the usual instruments Helder Silva made 40 trades this week to add another 100% to his gains.Pawel Olchawa from Poland is second and third trading multiple accounts with multiple strategies. He has another 2 accounts among the world top 10.It is easy to get discouraged by this economic climate but the first two participants of the World Top Investor are proving outstanding qualities to trade such difficult markets.





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