End of semester with Jorge Manuel Gerivaz in the lead

2007-07-02 15:45

It was the end of the second quarter and the end of the first semester last Friday. Stocks managed slight gains although there was concerns over the sub prime mortgage market, rising oil prices and disappointing new and existing home sales. The FED left rates unchanged for the 8th straight meeting and the British pound crossed the 2 usd mark. Participants of the WTI can expect much lower volumes and an increase in volatility in this third quarter.

It was a good week for Jorge Manuel Gerivaz who increased gains by 25% and to the Hungarian Doleschall Gyorgy who went up from 6th to second place with gains of 30% in the week to a total of 154%. Mr Doleschall has a currency strategy of being long EURTRY and EURUSD and short USDJPY.

Almás Andor is a new name in the top rankings for the second week in a raw, he doubled his equity since the competition started. His  biggest gain was made on EURHUF short, opened his position when everybody was expecting it to explode to the upside. Not a nervous type, closed his short with 2,5% gain on the rate itself, if you add the leverage you get a nice number. His strategy: never buy the currency with a lower interest against the currency with the higher one. Péter Dsupin currently closes the top 10, is close to 100% by going long in the DOW, S&P and the DAX. Never closed a trade with a loss, he is long the DOW at the moment. The good news: the trend is still to the upside, the bad news: no stops.

Alexander Nikolov is not part of the Top 10 now but retains leadership in the Bulgarian league. The important thing to reveal is that he shed 168.69% of his gains as he bet the sterling has to give way and begin a corrective move against the USD.

Slovenian competitors worsened their average return in week 19 by 2.2 percentage points compared to the week 18. However, top local competitor Lan managed to break into world rankings with 92%.





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