Mr. Doleschall maintains a confortable lead

2007-09-03 11:20

"The Federal Reserve stands ready to take additional actions as needed to provide liquidity and promote the orderly functioning of markets," said Ben Bernanke. Markets reacted positively, and the dollar was sold against the euro and the pound. This seems to be in anticipation of a rate cut, but inflation data and expectations do not give the FOMC a reason to cut rates.

We will see, but usually rate cuts are not justified with 4% second quarter GDP and projected 2.2% growth for Q3, only a weakening economy could be an excuse and this would mean risk of recession.

Wheat prices reached an all time high at 8.07$ making August 28% gain, the biggest monthly spike. Stops and stops seem to justify the parabolic move in weath. Gold continues its slow rise and closed the week abobe 680.

Mr Doleschall maintains a confortable lead in his account II although his account III dropped from second to 6th place. In second place at World level we have now Tamás Czajner with gains of 260%.





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