The USD is at record lows

2007-11-05 17:20

The difference between winning and losing at investing is not eradicating losses from your portfolio, it is managing losses in your portfolio.  Winning, in life and in trading, is just a simple concept of getting up more times than you are knocked down. This Mr. Doleschall has been doing very well. He is more active now on his second account where he is gaining 116% and keeps the leading account with gains of 666% with not much exposure.

Those are risky times. The FED injected 41 billion USD in 3 separate open market operations last week. Not since September 11 has the FED injected so much cash in one day. Citigroup CEO resigned and it is rumored that the bank will do another 11 billion write off. The stock lost 7%. Gold is now above 800 usd and crude at almost 100 usd, 95 to be more precise.

WTI participants anticipate things are going to stay though for quite some time. The USD is at record lows, oil at record highs and gold on the way to record levels.

PetroChina is now the most valuable company in the world even if the Asian trading is starting to be volatile.





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