A difficult trading week

2007-08-06 13:15

It was one of the most difficult trading weeks of the year, following the previous horrific weeks, although the Dow only lost 0.6% and the SP 1.7% and the Nasdaq 1.9%, but the bounce in the middle of the week wiped a lot of participants. The big question now is are we going off the cliff or are we going back to new highs?

Participants will have to be able to look into the currency market and predict the next dollar turn. This week saw the yen and Swiss franc rally against the dollar. Will the interest rate differentials come back into focus?

Central Banks around the world are rising rates to tackle inflation, and the markets expect Japan to move rates up, and by contrast the FED has kept its benchmark rate unchanged because of the housing meltdown. American Home Mortgage filed bankruptcy protection but will it be the last?

The first and second places of the WTI are now property of Mr. Doleschall with gains of 315% in one account and 227% in another one. The volatility of the markets have been good to the Hungarian Doleschall.





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