Competition at the end of the eleventh week

2007-05-07 12:40

After 10 weeks of competition we noticed an interesting curiosity with the leaders at WTI. Their strategies are very focus in certain assets. Unlike the traditional advisors who provide to clients, allocation with various uncorrelated strategies, participants in the competition are not worried with true diversification preferring to be in asset classes they know best. Alexandre Nikolov and Tamás Schmidt manly trade forex and Manuel Leguinha exclusively trades CFDs. Of course fund managers argue they can beat the market, which is to say, beat the average investor, but the top 10 at World TopInvestor have the numbers to prove it, playing leveraged derivatives usually considered to risky or too complicated for small investors.

Bulgarian Alexander Nikolov added 20% more to his gains standing at 139.70%, with a few quick trades in favour of the USD against GBP and EUR and continues his impressive no-losing streak trades.

Manuel Leguinha is fully invested and long in CFDs of English and Japanese stocks.

Another curiosity, if the Dow closes higher today it will tie its best record of advancing 24 out of 27 trading days, a remarkable accomplishment that only happened in 1927.





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