New leader in the Hungarian league

2007-03-07 15:00

The leader of the hungarian league Tamas Schmidt has made good gains trading JPYNOK and NZDCZK. Taking advantage of the correction which has taken place on Monday in the JPY crosses, he went long in SEKJPY, CADJPY and AUDJPY. A good example of how not to put all eggs into one basket the client also traded GBPCHF, DAX index CFD, SEKNOK, and GBPNOK. High volatility which were the characteristics of these products in the last few days made a contribution to these nice gains.
No. 2 in the hungarian league has not diversified its portfolio. Jozsef Nemet   made a significant profit by going short in NZDJPY. Taking part in the massive correction of the cross the client made more than 80% from one day to another. He was not lucky with his last few trades, since he remained short in the cross while it found support and turned north. Interesting to notice that his last few trades were smaller than his first ones, which reflects a cautious trading strategy. Another fact proving the cautious stance is the use of stop loss orders, which protected him of a greater loss of the profits already earned.





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