Change at the World level - seventh week

2007-04-10 14:00

It was a short although overwhelming positive week for participants of World TopInvestor. A continue M&A activity the relief of tensions with liberation of English Navy personnel in Iran all contributed for gains across the board even if it was in thin volume.

The Dow was up 1,7% and Nasdaq 2,3%. Gold was up so was silver and the Euro. The week was particularly good for Portuguese and Slovenian participants. In the Slovenia League 17 traders managed to enhance their portfolio and, on the other hand, only 11 traders ended the week with less funds. There was also overall improvement in average gain of all Slovenian competitors.

Recent world ranking leader Ales is still on the 1st place in Slovenian rankings, high above other traders, although he was constantly losing his gains. On Tuesday, competitor Sandi managed to reach 2nd place by trading mostly CFDs on oil and mining companies. Matjaz and Damjan on the other hand appeared on the Slovenian rankings just for a day. Damjan gained 20 % by trading CFD on American pharma company Amgen, but the stock value of the company fell on the next day, which resulted in having loss with the position. Similar thing happened to competitor Matjaz who was trading CFD on Internet gambling company Bwin.

Portuguese leader Manuel Leguinha saw his gains jump to 94.73% putting him third on world rankings. Manuel Leguinha is trading CFDs of European stocks. THe second place still belongs to Carlos Graça with profits of 59.85% enough to put him among the top 10 at world rankings. The third place is occupied by Nuno Milheiro with gains 36.05%.

Tamás Schmidt has now the leadership in the Hungarian League and is leader at World level with 124.43% jumping from third to first place, but without any trades in this short week.





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