Competition at the end of the twelth week

2007-05-14 17:00

After a negative Thursday the Dow came roaring back on Friday thanks to a positive reaction to the PPI data, and the Dow posted its sixth-straight weekly gain.

The good times continue to roll for the bulls, particularly those playing the indexes, because we start to notice across the board a lot of stocks with price weakness, which is frustrating a lot of participants.

At the WTI it was a very exciting week for top trader Tamás Scmidt who got close to 200% by selling PLNJPY last week. He also made some profit by going long in GBPPLN and shorting the CADJPY. Still using the diversification as one of his main tools, it is worth mentioning that the variable currency in his strategy is usually the JPY. Playing both sides he still managed to make more profit on the trades where he went long in JPY. He is now first with 188.99%





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