The markets continue to post new record highs

2007-10-15 16:30

The markets continue to post new record highs last week as earnings season began. Some benign economic reports, and confidence that earnings will again surprise kept the bulls in charge, however when a market is able to correct quickly an upside move shows how weak a rally can be, and the way market decide to give up gains last Thursday is an indication. Earnings and economic data should provide near term guidance, but investors need to follow the dollar situation and gold.

Many WT Investors feel good about taking down their portfolio to 50% or less invested and move a good portion to cash. This was the case for most successful Slovenian traders. Mr Matjaz in Slovenia gained from the situation because his open positions on American tech companies had a great week. Comfortable in the lead ar World level Mr. Doleschall keeps his 670% gains by trading a minimum and is getting defensive in nature. Tamás Czajner is now second with gains of 371%.





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