Astonishing 350% for Jorge Manuel Gerivaz

2007-07-16 11:40

The SP is back near it's 2000 all time high, and it seems to make investors nervous. For the week the Dow gained 2.2%, the SP 1.4% and the Nasdaq 1.5%. This seems to be the time to make or break. Important is the sustained low volatility of the PE, which probably means that the rise of the markets is more a function of the rising earnings than an expanding of the PE.

Unprecedented is a participant of World TopInvestor reaching gains of 350% in 6 months. Portuguese Jorge Gerivaz is that participant leading the pack of the followers by more than 150%. His strategy in the markets remains agressive using maximum exposure in CFDs in oil ( Conoco, Chevron, Petro Canada, Petro China, Sinopec) and Asia stocks (Melco, Kubota, China Unicorn,) although he is also short in some financial US stocks, like Fannie Mae, Downey Financial, Hudson Bancorp.

Jorge Gerivaz has a well balanced portfolio with good diversification and a well planned strategy. We will see how it will go from now on since crude has achieved its target since breaking the nexkline of an inverted head & shoulders, which could mean a pause on the sector where he has a big exposure.





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