No change on the Top 5

2007-10-29 09:40

While oil prices continue to hit new highs, the US dollar fell to new lows but the stock market manage to rally last week on the theory that the FOMC will cut the federal funds rate 25 basis points. Could we walk into a situation where you buy the rumour and sell the news on Wednesday when the FOMC meets? Gold steady rise to a new 28 year high is not very inspiring to the economy.

In China the Shanghai index fell 4.8% last Thursday with 600 companies falling more than 10%. The reason an official report showing cooling of economic growth from 11.9% in the second quarter to 11.5% in the third. Could this be another sign of the bubble in Chinese stocks?

The WTI is seeing no change on the Top 5. Tamás Czajner is now second with gains of 462% behind Mr. Doleschall with 666%.





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