Helder da Silva first leader after one week

2009-04-06 11:25

It is the first week of the 3rd WTI and the main topic was the G20 meeting and the result was the weakening of the dollar. Also regulators said on thursday that they are willing to ease rules for financial firms so they don't have to follow mark to market accounting for their assets. As a result we saw a fantastic rally for the financial sector since it is expected that financial companies will present much more positive reports.
Helder da Silva the first weekly leader of the competition has been very active trading CFDs in Portuguese stocks, he ends the first week of trading with gains of 19%. Over the next 52 weeks be sure to tune to our regular comments, this is just the start of another exciting WTI. The Dow closed above 8.000 points for the first time since February 9 and the sentiment in the markets was of euphoria is it going to continue? 





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