WTI participants now know the dollar is the answer in all markets

2009-06-15 11:58

A Lot of people are saying that the big deficits in the US will create hyperinflation and thus the collapse of the dollar. Given the trading action of the US dollar during the past week it looks like people expectations do not have a good chance of being met during the weeks ahead. The dollar looks oversold on a near term basis and is acting like he wants to rally at least for a while. Even the goings on with the investigation into Bank of America purchase of Merrill Lynch do not seem to affect the currency, although we now know that the deal was forced by government and FED officials.
WTI participants now know the dollar is the answer in all markets. Should they prepare for the coming inflation? If yes what should they do? The US market is going through a sideways drifting movement, usually a precursor to a strong movement, but is it going to be up or down? Gold on the other hand succumbed to downside pressure, just when it was so close to new highs.
Mariusz Ganczar continues adding to his profits and has now gains of 234%. Last edition second place Hanqui Guo is now 4th getting closer to the top ranking. 





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