Dénes Ferenc first competitor with gains over 100%

2009-04-28 12:58

The UK is seeing the largets budget deficit since World War II and the US is selling 100 billion in treasuries this week, which could explain the fall of the dollar versus the euro and against gold. Technically currencies are not correlated to stock markets as an asset class, but stocks are tied to certain currencies. With the dollar falling versus the euro the US stock indices soar to end the week in new highs.
Entering the last week of April, the Hungarian Dénes Ferenc jumped in the lead of WTI with gains of 116% benefitting from the volatility in the forex market. Edmund Ganczar from Poland is now second with gains above 100% in 4 weeks.
We now have a public health emergency regarding the Mexican Swine Flu, that is scaring officials and investors, because it can turn into a global pandemic. The US dollar and the yen seem to benefit from the situation but it never is what it seems, so participants in the WTI need to be even more careful.
Until next week





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