China troubles plagued the market

2009-07-13 13:25

The media has been paying a lot of attention to the growing alternative energy market, which consists of bio-fuels, solar power, wind energy, etc. But it is important to note that seven of the top ten firms in the Fortune  500 are still oil companies. This is saying much in the face of the ''new economic environment'' of alternative energy and global warming. Secondly, China, another popular topic in the news after green energy and the financial crisis, announced that its exports fell another 21% in June, along with a 6.0 earthquake on the Richter scale and a rebellion with over 150 dead in the north. China seems to be in panic mode, and, not surprisingly, flooding their economy with massive amounts of capital. A falling China could trigger another major run out of emerging markets.

As a result of the constant fluctuation in the markets and the news, it is becoming very difficult for WTI participants to engage in critical thinking at this important juncture. In the past week the yen broke critical levels, which is a sign of more deflation that might be ahead. While the world economy is trying to pull itself out of crisis, Mariusz Ganczar returned to the top of the rankings of the World Top Investor competition with gains of 372.63%.





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