2007-08-13 18:00
What a week for the market

What a week it was for the markets with triple digit swings in the Dow. It started with BNP Paribas frozing 3 funds worth 2.2 billion. Europeam markets responded to this news with a wide sell-off...

2007-08-06 13:15
A difficult trading week

It was one of the most difficult trading weeks of the year, following the previous horrific weeks, although the Dow only lost 0.6% and the SP 1.7% and the Nasdaq 1.9%, but the bounce in the middle of the week wiped...

2007-07-30 18:30
A week of fear in the markets

The selling engulfed all the major indices last week, as investors shunned risk in the wake of the credit market turmoil and housing slump. The Dow lost 500 points in 2 days. This was the largest sell off...

2007-07-23 13:00
Where do we go from here?

The news of last week was Ben Bernanke, speaking before a House panel as part of the central bank's midyear forecast, and Bear Sterns's announcement of his hedge funds being worthless...

2007-07-16 11:40
Astonishing 350% for Jorge Manuel Gerivaz

The SP is back near it's 2000 all time high, and it seems to make investors nervous. For the week the Dow gained 2.2%, the SP 1.4% and the Nasdaq 1.5%. This seems to be the time to make or break...

2007-07-09 18:30
8 participants with gains over 100%

Over the last week, the USD has fallen against most other majors, and only gained against the JPY and the CHF as carry trades have picked up the pace again...

2007-07-02 15:45
End of semester with Jorge Manuel Gerivaz in the lead

It was the end of the second quarter and the end of the first semester last Friday. Stocks managed slight gains although there was concerns over the sub prime mortgage market, rising oil prices and disappointing new and existing home sales...

2007-06-25 12:40
Are the markets heading for a big fall?

The market gave back the bulk of the gains won in the previous week as concerns mounted over hedge funds, credit spreads, and worldwide liquidity that has fueled the market's rise...

2007-06-18 16:00
Can we continue this rate of growth?

The recent volatility in the markets has been crazy the Dow moved up or down by more than 100 points in five of the last eight days and we probably should expect the volatility to continue for the immediate future...

2007-06-11 10:45
Competition at the end of the sixteenth week

Wall Street didn’t have much time to pop champagne when the S&P 500 hit its new high, because interest rate concerns and soaring oil prices gave investors an excuse to take profits, and investors realized that stocks do sometimes go down...

2007-06-04 10:10
Another very good week for the bulls

It was yet another very good week for the bulls in the stock market. More M&A activity and numerous economic data perceived as very good were the main factors. The markets remain in buy mode and look...

2007-05-28 16:30
The bulls remain in control

Last week the Bank of England released the minutes from its meeting, and it revealed an unanimous decision to up interest rates. In conclusion another hike is imminent...

2007-05-21 17:30
Are stocks Defying Gravity?

Stocks dropped 3.6% last monday in China, with country's investors fearing a correction. Many analysts have been predicting a tumble in China's exchanges for months now. We all remember Alan Greenspan ''irrational exuberance'' warning back in 1996....

2007-05-14 17:00
Competition at the end of the twelth week

After a negative Thursday the Dow came roaring back on Friday thanks to a positive reaction to the PPI data, and the Dow posted its sixth-straight weekly gain..

2007-05-07 12:40
Competition at the end of the eleventh week

After 10 weeks of competition we noticed an interesting curiosity with the leaders at WTI. Their strategies are very focus in certain assets...




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