2007-12-03 17:30
Hungarian participants are having a magnificent performance

This week will be all about 'how much is the FED going to cut rates?' Will it be 25 ..or 50 points? Many investors fear an American recession but the market had a big two day jump. Sentiment is shifting quickly from bearish to bullish and then back to bearish. Hungarian leading participants are having...

2007-11-26 14:10
Mr Doleschall took his gains to 827%

It was another week filled with fear and greed. This time fear and greed was originated from a participant that out of the blue went to first place of the WTI with gains of 975% overnight. Like every thing that seems to good to be true, this...

2007-11-19 17:30
Mr Doleschall maintains the lead with gains of 732 %

It was the week before Thanksgiving, and the bias is usually to the upside but instead we had big declines, big rallies which means a lot of volatility. At the end of the week the indices manage to gain despite concerns over credit meltdown and energy prices...

2007-11-12 18:00
Mr Doleschall increased his gains to 721%

It was a difficult week for the markets. The Dow lost 4.1% the SP 3.7% and the Nasdaq 6.5%. Could this be another dip to be bought? Anyone who has not bought dips this year has been crucified, can this dip be different...

2007-11-05 17:20
The USD is at record lows

The difference between winning and losing at investing is not eradicating losses from your portfolio, it is managing losses in your portfolio. Winning, in life and in trading, is just a simple concept of getting...

2007-10-29 09:40
No change on the Top 5

While oil prices continue to hit new highs, the US dollar fell to new lows but the stock market manage to rally last week on the theory that the FOMC will cut the federal funds rate 25 basis points. Could we walk into a situation where you buy the rumour and sell...

2007-10-22 12:40
Mr. Doleschall remains confortable in the lead

Friday was the 20th anniversary of the 1987 stock market crash. Not surprisingly the markets were nervous and went significantly lower. Finally the market reacted negatively to bad news also...

2007-10-15 16:30
The markets continue to post new record highs

The markets continue to post new record highs last week as earnings season began. Some benign economic reports, and confidence that earnings will again surprise kept the bulls in charge, however when a market is able...

2007-10-09 17:00
Mr. Doleschall continues comfortably leading with gains of 670%

We are bat present in an "all news is good news" environment, and this is good for investors and participants of WTI. From the market stand point...

2007-09-24 10:50
Top five positions at world level of the competition seem stable now

The FED cut its overnight rate by 50 points last Tuesday. The Dow loved it the day after jumping 336 points the dollar did not. Since then the Canadian dollar reached parity with the US dollar and continued to fall against global currencies reaching record highs against the euro...

2007-09-18 18:30
Top 10 participants continue to surf the volatility of the market

We waited for the FED decision before writing the weekly comment. There is a reason. Greenspan said while promoting his book last week that there is at least a 33% chance of recession. This is not good news coming from the former FED Governor...

2007-09-10 10:30
Mr Doleschall from Hungary remains first with 690% of gains

September is always an interesting month for the market and this first week was quite a roller coaster ride. With last week jobs report almost everyone is now convinced that the FED will lower interest rates...

2007-09-03 11:20
Mr. Doleschall maintains a confortable lead

"The Federal Reserve stands ready to take additional actions as needed to provide liquidity and promote the orderly functioning of markets," said Ben Bernanke. Markets reacted positively, and the dollar was sold against the euro and the pound...

2007-08-27 14:30
Mr. Doleschall is keeping both first and second place

This was a very interesting week. In fact it was one of the best weeks of the year for the American markets. Last week fears over subprime and the economy seem gone although plenty of doubts remain...

2007-08-20 17:30
Six months have gone

The first half of the competition is finished. What can we expect in the next 6 months? It is unlikely this dislocation will last a great deal of time but if it were, the ramifications could be terrible, for the economy and for investors expecting new highs...




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