The 6th edition of the World Top Investor competition started yesterday December 1st. The most deeply held principal of this renowned competition among traders and investors is: as professional portfolio managers, they go beyond trade solutions to become recognized as World Top Investors.
World Top Investor Competition 2014-15 Sponsored by ViewTrade in the USA Trading just got even more competitive with the US League of WTI
World Top Investor Competition 2014-15 Sponsored by DIF Broker in Russia WTI Identifies Top Talent trading in the Russian League
World Top Investor Competition 2014-15 Sponsored by RRS Broker in India WTI Identifies Top Talent trading in the Indian League
SVS Securities signs up to host the World Top investor leagues of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. London based SVS Securities will now sponsor the Irish and British leagues of the WTI giving international investor’s access to regulated accounts in the UK.
DIF Broker is the official broker sponsor to the Spanish League of the renowned World Top Investor Competition. The World Top Investor is the real–time, real money competition that attributes the, coveted World Top Investor bull trophy for the top performing trader in a variety of instruments as well as the opportunity to act as a portfolio manager to clients
Portugal, August 21, 2014 – Karoll Brokerage is the official broker sponsor to the Bulgarian League of the renowned World Top Investor Competition. The World Top Investor is the real–time, real money competition that attributes the, coveted World Top Investor bull trophy
Portugal, April 4, 2013 – Karoll is the official broker sponsor to the Bulgarian League of the renowned World Top Investor Competition. The World Top Investor is the real–time, real money competition that...
Trading a real account is better than trading a simulated account when you are trying to identify real traders and real investors. Wouldn't it be better and smarter to select a portfolio manager based on performance rather than a fancy pitch?
Year-long World TopInvestor competition will launch on April 1st. The fourth edition of the multi product, live money, global trading competition.
“As investors become more sophisticated in online investing all over the world, they seek for international recognition for their skills and good quality management.
Year-long World TopInvestor competition will launch on April 1st. The third edition of the multi product, live money, global trading competition...
Trading a real account is better than trading a simulated account when you are trying to identify real traders and real investors. Wouldn't it be better and smarter to select a portfolio manager...
The winner of World TopInvestor Competition 2007-08, Haochen Hu, has outperformed the world's leading hedge funds with gains of almost 785% over the competition period. The competition is a live, real money, capital markets trading competition lasting for a full year. The prize for the top investor is the management of a fund with an investment value of USD 250,000 sponsored by Saxo Bank...
The markets have reached new highs led by emerging markets. Now is the most opportune moment to launch the "World Top Investor", the first world investment competition for traders and investors in global financial markets, sponsored by DIF Broker and Saxo Bank.
Compete with the traders and investors from all over the World, to gain the ultimate recognition as World TopInvestor.
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